My research is focused mainly on applications of artificial intelligence in observational seismology. I am interested in precision earthquake seismology and pattern recognition in extensive sensor data.
37. Mousavi, S. M., Beroza, G.C., and Mukerji, T., Rasht-Behesht, M., (2023). Deep Learning Applications in Exploration Seismology: a technical survey, Geophysics.
36. Mai, H., Audet, P., Perry, HKC., Mousavi, S.M., Zhang, Q., (2023). Blockly earthquake transformer: A deep learning platform for custom phase picking, Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences.
35. Mohammadigheymasi, H., Shi, P., Tavakolizadeh, Z., Xiao, L., Mousavi, S. M., et., al. (2023). IPIML: A deep-scan earthquake detection and location workflow Integrating Pair-Input deep learning model and Migration Location method, IEEE transaction in geoscience and remote sensing.
34. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G.C., (2023). Machine Learning in Earthquake Seismology, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
33. Mohammadigheymasi, H., Tavakolizadeh, N., Matias, L., Mousavi, S. M., Silveira, G., Custódio, S., and Moradichaloshtori, Y. (2022). Application of deep learning for seismicity analysis in Ghana, Geosystems and Geoenvironment.
32. Zhu, W., Hou, AB., Yang, R., Mousavi, S. M., Ellsworth, W., and Beroza, G. C., (2022). QuakeFlow: A Scalable Machine-learning-based Earthquake Monitoring Workflow with Cloud Computing, Geophysical Journal International.
31. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G. C., (2022). Deep-Learning Seismology, Science,
30. Zhu, W., McBrearty, I. W., Mousavi, S. M., Ellsworth, W.L., and Beroza, G. C., (2022). Earthquake Phase Association using a Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model, Journal of Geophysical Research.
29. Zhu, W., Tai, K. S., Mousavi, S. M., Bailis, P., and Beroza, G. C., (2022). An End-to-End Earthquake Detection Method for Joint Phase Picking and Association using Deep Learning, Journal of Geophysical Research.
28. Sun, Z., Sandoval, L., Crystal-Ornelas, Mousavi, S. M., et al., (2022). A review of Earth Artificial Intelligence, Computers and Geosciences.
27. Beroza, G.C., Segou, M., and Mousavi, S. M., (2021). Machine learning and earthquake forecasting—next steps, Nature Communication.
26. Mousavi, S. M., Ellsworth, W.L., Zhu, W., and Beroza, G.C., (2020). Earthquake Transformer: An Attentive Deep-learning Model for Simultaneous Earthquake Detection and Phase Picking, Nature Communication.
25. Grigoli, F., Ellsworth, W.L, Zhang, M., Mousavi, S. M., Cesca, S., Satriano, C., Beroza, G.C., and Wiemer, S., (2020). Relative earthquake location procedure for clustered seismicity with a single station, Geophysical Journal International.
24. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G.C., (2020). Bayesian-Deep-Learning Estimation of Local Earthquake Location from Single-Station Observations, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
23. Park, Y., Mousavi, S. M., Zhu, W., Ellsworth, W.L., and Beroza, G.C., (2020). Machine learning based analysis of the Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas earthquakes: a tale of two sequences, Geophysical Research Letters.
22. Zhu, W., Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G. C., (2020). Seismic Signal Augmentation to Improve Generalization of Deep Neural Networks, Advances in Geophysics.
21. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G.C., (2019), A Machine-Learning Approach for Earthquake Magnitude Estimation, Geophysical Research Letters.
20. Mousavi, S. M., Sheng, Y., Zhu, W., and Beroza, G.C., (2019), STanford Earthquake Dataset (STEAD): A Global Data Set of Seismic Signal for AI, IEEE Access​.
19. Langston, C.A., and Mousavi, S. M., (2019), Separating Signal from Noise and from other Signal using Non-linear Thresholding and Scale-Time Windowing of Continuous Wavelet Transforms, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America.
18. Zhu, W., Mousavi, S. M., Beroza, G. C., (2019). Seismic Signal Denoising and Decomposition Using Deep Neural Networks, IEEE transaction in geoscience and remote sensing.
17. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G. C., (2019). Unsupervised Clustering of Seismic Signals Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders, IEEE Geoscience, and Remote Sensing Letters
16. Mousavi, S. M., Zhu, W., Sheng, Y., Beroza, G. C., (2018). CRED: A deep residual network of convolutional and recurrent units for earthquake signal detection, Scientific Report.
15. Zhao, L. F., and Mousavi, S. M., (2018). Lateral Variation of Crustal Lg Attenuation in Eastern North America, Scientific Report.
14. Mousavi, S. M., and Beroza, G. C., (2018). Evaluating the 2016-One-Year Seismic Hazard Model for the Central and Eastern United States Using Instrumental Ground Motion Data, Seismological Research Letters.
13. Mousavi, S. M., Beroza, G. C., Hoover, S. M., (2018). Variabilities in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps for Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Central and Eastern United States, The Leading Edge.
12. Mousavi, S. M., (2017). Spatial variation in the frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes under the tectonic framework in the Middle East, Journal of Asian Earth Science.
11. Mousavi, S. M., Horton, S., Ogwari, P., Langston, C. A., (2017). Spatio-temporal Evolution of Frequency-Magnitude Distribution during Initiation of Induced Seismicity at Guy-Greenbrier, Arkansas, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
10. Mousavi, S. M., and Langston, C. A., (2017). Automatic Noise-Removal/Signal-Removal Based on the General-Cross-Validation Thresholding in Synchrosqueezed domains, and its application on earthquake data, Geophysics.
9. Mousavi, S. M., (2017). Mapping Seismic Moment and b-value within Continental Collision Orogenic Belt Region, the Iranian Plateau, Journal of Geodynamics.
8. Mousavi, S. M., (2017). Comment on “Recent developments of the Middle East catalog” by Zare et al., Journal of Seismology.
7. Mousavi, S. M., and Langston, C. A., (2016). Adaptive noise estimation and suppression for improving microseismic event detection, Journal of Applied Geophysics.
6. Mousavi, S. M., and Langston, C. A., (2016). Hybrid Seismic Denoising Using Wavelet Block Thresholding and Higher Order Statistics, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America.
5. Mousavi, S. M., Horton, S. P., Langston, C. A., Samei, B., (2016). Seismic Features and Automatic Discrimination of Deep and Shallow Induced-Microearthquakes Using Neural Network and Logistic Regression, Geophysical Journal International.
4. Mousavi, S. M., Langston, C. A., Horton, S. P., (2016). Automatic Microseismic Denoising and Onset Detection Using the Synchrosqueezed-Continuous Wavelet Transform, Geophysics.
3. Mousavi, S. M., (2016). Landslide Susceptibility in Cemented Volcanic Soils, Ask Region, Ind Geotechnical Journal.
2. Mousavi, S. M., Cramer, C. H., Langston, C. A., (2014). Average QLg, QSn, and Observation of Lg Blockage in the Continental Margin of Nova Scotia, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research.
1. Mousavi, S. M., Omidvar, B., Ghazban, F., Feyzi. R., (2011). Quantitative Risk Analysis for Earthquake-Induced Landslides-Emamzadeh Ali, Iran, Engineering Geology.